The biochemic blood and mucous membrane conditioner, AllisOne Kali Mur is the ear, nose, throat and lung specialist of the salts; it maintains the fibrous tissues, supports the respiratory and lymphatic systems and is a metabolic activator.
Kali Mur is a specific in all childhood illnesses and is often required after Ferrum Phos to clear infections. It cleanses the blood and mucous membranes of congestion and assists in all soft swellings of glands, in ear, nose throat and lung conditions. Any mucous congestion, white-coloured phlegm or discharge indicates a Kali Mur requirement.
Kali Mur is indicated to assist:
- Burns
- Thrush
- Candida
- Soft glandular swellings
- Sinus congestion
- Ear, nose, throat and lung infections
- Eye infections and itching, irritated eyelids
- Allergies
- Infantile eczema
- Adolescent pimples
- Warts and skin tags
- Travel sickness
- Nausea
Facial Analysis Signs:
- Milky-blue-pink whitish colour in a half-moon under the eyes and sometimes the upper eyelid.
- The entire face can appear this whitish colour.
Inspired by conventional biochemic methods, AllisOne ColourAstro Biochemic Tissue Salts are carefully hand triturated in their proprietary blend of minerals and sugar alcohols, resulting in a lactose-free and sugar-free range of cell salt products that contain no animal derivatives.
AllisOne tissue salts are manufactured in licensed laboratory facilities registered with the Medicines Control Council of South Africa.