Oh hey! Thank you for being here. Let me introduce myself. My name is Jen Foster and I am an educator. A few years ago, I started an Instagram account dedicated to teaching. I started by just sharing everything and anything and loving having a community of keen beans like me. But it didnâ²t take me long to spot something quite odd. Scrolling through thousands of teachersâ² experiences around the world there were two things that stood out like a sore thumb: Behaviour was this huge obstacle in teaching;The guidance around behaviour was either inconsistent, vague or unhelpful. So, I decided to learn everything I could about behaviour. I explored outside the education shelves and bought way too many books about neuroscience, positive psychology, business, and parenting. The more I learnt, the more I reflected on my own practice and my own experiences in schools. I asked educators in my community their opinions on behaviour, and this is what I found out: 93% felt that they had inadequate behaviour training as a trainee teacher 88% feel they have inadequate behaviour training as a qualified teacher So, isnâ²t it about time we shined a spotlight on behaviour? Behaviour: The lost Modules is the book you wish you had read before stepping into a classroom. The book you wish had been required reading on your university reading list. A book that is practical, easy to read and tells you what you need to know about behaviour in primary schools. A book by a teacher for teachers, drawing on common sense, personal experiences and current research. Â