- Ideal for catching slugs and snails
- Compact, safe and very effective
- Blends easily into the garden
- Waterproof
- Reusable: open, clean and reset the trap
- Bury the bait that has not been consumed at the end of the treatment.
- Do not eat, drink or smoke while handling the bait.
- Remove all remains of the bait and bait containers after treatment and dispose of them in a responsible manner.
- Look for, and burn all rodent carcasses. Do not place them in refuse bins or on rubbish tips.
- This product is hazardous to mammals and birds. Exposure of non-target species should be prevented.
- Store in original container, tightly closed, under cool and dry conditions in a safe place.
- Do not reuse the container for any other purpose.
Reg. No. L10397 N-AR1986 Act No. 36 of 1947