Classic French food is hotter than ever. But one thing hasn t changed few of us have the time, the patience, the technique, or the cream and butter allowance to tackle the classics as presented by Julia Child s "Mastering the Art of French Cooking." The good news is we don t need to. For the past 40 years Richard Grausman, America s premier culinary teacher, has been training American chefs in a simpler, better way of French cooking, and in "French Classics Made Easy" a refreshed and updated edition of his original collection, "At Home with the French Classics" he shares all of his extraordinary innovations and techniques. Golden souffles in ten minutes. A light and luscious chocolate mousse that can be made as a cake, a chocolate roll, souffle, or pudding. Plus Cassoulet, Boeuf Bourguignon, Coq au Vin, Bouillabaisse, Poached Salmon with Beurre Blanc in all, 250 impeccably clear, step-by-step recipes in range of anyone who knows how to boil water or dice an onion.
When a step isn t critical, Grausman eliminates it. If something can be done in advance, he does it. Plus he s cut the amount of butter, cream, egg yolks, salt, and sugar; the result is health-conscious recipes that don t compromise the essential nature of the dish. Techniques are illustrated throughout in line drawings. It s the grandness of French cuisine, made accessible for both entertaining and everyday meals."