Are you interested in finding your inner Parisian? Intoxicating Paris: Uncorking the Parisian Within is PJ Adams's quirky journey through the byways, kitchens, shops, cafes, closets, boudoirs, and creative heart of Paris. Intoxicating Paris takes you through the ancient streets of Paris, where you'll find the secrets of creativity that inspired the likes of Hemingway, Hugo, and Rodin. Readers will peek inside some of the most sumptuous dining venues in Paris. And you'll join PJ in a few cooking escapades, as well as solve the mystery of how those French women maintain their slim physiques despite their rich diet of foie gras, bread, wine, and dessert You'll also learn the sources of the French woman's allure-how she lives her life, conducts her relationships, and rears her children. You'll examine the French man's potent ability to seduce, as well as how La Seduction holds sway in the institutions and French bastions of power. And you'll learn how strict parenting and close ties shape the French extended family system. You'll do a little flanering (wandering) through the marches of Paris, as well as les grands magasins (department stores). And you'll uncover some ways to put some of that French style into your own closet, no matter your age or budget. Finally, you'll learn how to capture a bit of that French joie de vivre, whether you visit Paris or simply invite her into your living room as an arm chair traveler. This book is for style lovers, foodies, creatives, and anyone who simply loves Paris. See our book trailer at http: // or visit our website at"