A collector's set of three books with a total of 900 silly jokes that kids love, paired with photos of laughing animals and funny people! Based on material from the popular Just Joking department of National Geographic Kids--the nation's largest children's magazine--these books are packed with knock-knocks, tongue twisters, riddles, traditional question-and-answer jokes, and more. Presented in a colorful, photo-driven style, the Laugh-Out-Loud Collector's Set is great for tossing into a backpack to share with friends at school or camp. Plus, the included poster is perfect for a locker or bedroom! Featuring National Geographic Kids' signature square trim size and candy-colored palette, this hilarious party-starter is guaranteed to keep the laughs coming. What do you call a super-cool rodent? An awesome possum. What uses a gallon of paint and 100 brushes? A centipede getting a pedicure.