Ready-made high quality KS3 history lessons on the late Medieval period - topic booklet perfect for a half term's work. Give every student access to high quality KS3 History textbook content with this topic booklet on late Medieval England. Chapter 1: The Black Death Chapter 2: The Peasants' Revolt Chapter 3: The Wars of the Roses Chapter 4: Yorkist Rule Chapter 5: The Battle of Bosworth Field Fits into the school timetable with ease with 5 high quality lessons, perfect for a half term Ignites an interest in history through extraordinary people, amazing facts, and a distinctly engaging narrative Helps all students to think critically about the past by focusing on the knowledge they need and then checking their understanding Aids pupil memory with a 'knowledge organiser' at the back with key dates, vocabulary and significant people. Delivers excellent lessons and saves time planning with the Teacher Guide available free on, containing teaching ideas, suggested sources, assessment, answers, essay titles and extended writing examples