The Mandalorian is a formidable bounty hunter protecting The Child (Grogu), a mysterious alien pursued by bounty hunters on behalf of Imperial interests. The Razor Crest is his trusty transport and living quarters.
Blast off into a dangerous galaxy with the Mandalorian and The Child (Grogu), affectionately referred to by fans as “Baby Yoda,” aboard his iconic ship, the Razor Crest! Imagine action-packed battles in the outer reaches with the Star Wars Mission Fleet Razor Crest Outer Rim Run figure and vehicle set. Featuring 3 projectile launchers, an opening cockpit that fits 2 figures, a removable top cover, interior play area, opening back hatch, weapons locker, 6 blaster accessories, and jetpack accessory, the kid-friendly Razor Crest figure and vehicle set makes a great introduction to the Galaxy of Star Wars for kids ages 4 and up!
This is the way.
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